Finally I quit my job as a merchandiser at Padini Holdings Berhad.
I spent a lotta time thinking whether should i quit since a few months back.
I have made my final decision on 13 July 2011. The second day before the working trip to Hong Kong and China.
I gave the letter with fear. Actually i have no idea why was i scared. It is my choice right? No worries the reason i quit totally makes sense. They kept asking me to stay, but eventually i choose to leave.
The senior manager talked to me in his room for like 45 minutes, in the end he was like 'well if that's so, there's nothing more we can say to make you stay'. :) I thank him for being understanding.
So it's a one month notice. I'll leave the company on 13 August 2011 if i'm not applying for any annual leaves. I have 5 annual leaves and a rest day replacement left.
YAY! Can't wait to chase after my dream! :)
Sorry i will not give any clue over here xD