The resignation letter was given to my ex-company since 13 July 2011. It was a one-month notice, so without any delay, my job in Padini Holdings Berhad (P&Co.) ended on 12 August 2011.
I have moved on to another life. Who doesn't hope to walk the right path in life. I do :D. There's so much more to live. You can't just get stuck in the same place learning/doing the almost-same-things everyday. Get yo ass outta there, get a new life/new job, learn more and start chasing your dream! :) "Learn as if you were to live forever"
Everyone hopes for the good in their lives, but you know what, there's no such thing as 'hope'. You have to work hard for yourself in order to achieve something that you want. All the best to me and y'all!
Before a tough life is going to start, an 11-day trip is coming soon on 12 September 2011! Europe trip! It is gonna be awesome! Thanks to my mom! Yayyyy :)))