My heart is aching so bad. I really don't know what's right to do, or what else to say to make him feel better.
I feel so sorry for hurting him, but what i told him was the fact, the saddest fact. I had to say it, it's true from my heart.
Miracles do happen sometimes though, unexpectable things do happen. But what happened last night just happened too fast i couldn't accept it.
I don't get why guys and girls can never be just friends or best friends.
Being a couple doesn't mean the world.
Being best friends is way better than being a couple.
We can talk,we can laugh,we share good and bad times together.
Go through everything together.
Being a couple, heartbreaks just never fail to occur. And when it does, everything will be over. It would hurt so bad one day when they find out that their relationship cannot last any longer. In the end people would just end up being strangers again. For me THAT IS JUST ONE OF THE WORST THINGS THAT COULD HAPPEN!
Think about it, if you really like the person so much, you wish to get close but there are some obstacles to stop you from doing so, isn't being best friends the best choice instead? That's how i feel, because it will last forever.
Or maybe i feel insecure for accepting someone i don't know much yet.
Heartbreaks came to me last night, not only one but two. I really couldn't take it. I broke into tears, inside i really felt like dying, was helpless.
He didn't understand how i felt. It was actually a very bad timing for telling me how he feels about me.
I have to wear a mask. I can't show my emotions in the public.
I'm writing all this because it's one of the ways which i can express myself other than just sharing my heartbreaks with my best friend and my sister.
I'm extremely upset.
Why do i always have to go through all this after a damn good friendship with someone for like so many times. I'm tired. I don't know what should i do.
Hope every guy learns that, whatever a girl says to stop you from entering her heart, it doesn't always mean that you should give up on her.
The girl will learn to appreciate how true you are to her someday regardless the rules of her life.
Keep chasing whatever you're chasing, in the end anything could happen. Even though you were told that it's not gonna happen.
If everyone gives up so easily with just one obstacle, they will never succeed.

when I talk to you,
when I don’t hear from you,
when I long for you.
My heart aches.
The pains eat away my soul.
My mind wants control,
but it has taken me away.