Anyway, it has been mine since then, i have been using it for like 4 years if i'm not mistaken, it's still good. the model is Acer Aspire 4715z. (Picture below)
Lousy looking laptop but i'm greatful to have it though. Zzzzz. Well i needed a laptop for college. Can't believe it survives until now. I faced a problem which the screen went white whenever i moved it, loose wire caused it i guess. I solved it myself after living with the problem for like 2 years! Goshh! I solved it with just a few pieces of TISSUE! I was a genius =_=

My siblings had been changing their laptops (laptops which really belong to them) for like 2 times already, and now, after the PC fair we went on last Sunday, both my bro and my sis have bought new laptops!
Arhhhhh J-E-A-L-O-U-S!!
Bro had an Acer PC desktop, now using the new Asus G53S gaming laptop. (Picture below)

My sis first had Fujitsu, which sucks big time! It's now with my mom =_=. Then she got Dell. Can't recall which series. Now she got Toshiba Satellite L600! (Picture below)

Me? T_____T I want the ALIENWARE M17X! Or maybe M14X. (Both picture below). I saw both sizes the other day, M17X is seriously huge! M14X will do i guess. Alienware's laptops just look bigger than the other brands' laptops.
People around me are telling me not to get it coz it's costly and that i'm not of a hardcore gamer. So what? I play games too and i want a laptop which can be lasting and has freakin good specs! and looks special of course xD
I don't play too much of games now coz my laptop doesn't support high graphic games, it'll turn my laptop speed into the speed of a snail if you know what i mean. Sigh.
Everything about ALIENWARE is just so perfect! The lighting and the audio. So i think it's kind of worth the price. I will try to get it in the future!
I even dreamed of Alienware's alien alive after the PC fair the other night. It seriously shows how bad i want it >___<

If it's not the Alienware, my second choice would be HP Envy 14 Beats! Since i'm a music freak, this one will surely rock me! The specs are not bad too. It's good enough for me. The audio sure is trustable coz it's BEATS! Actually this model is more pricey than Alienware M14X =/.Anyway Alienware is definitely my top choice!